Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More of the "Do I say, not as I do" actions coming out of Washington DC

Thanks to whomever linked my blog to an article by Susan Davis found at-

In the article the author writes-
President Barack Obama has called out Wall Street for their perceived excess in tough economic times. “You can’t go take a trip to Las Vegas, or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers’ dime,” the president said at a townhall meeting today in Elkhart, Ind.

I think it is funny that we have the President talking about taking trips on the taxpayers dime, yet just last weekend he was at the Kingmill Resort and Spa visiting with the Democratic Caucus, who was golfing, ere, working on busy things all weekend long. In fact that is why they felt the need to make it a long weekend junket. I wonder whose dime was being spent on that trip? The taxpayers? Or the lobbyist's?

Stop the beautiful rhetoric President, and solve the real problems, which is not a convention by a company, but the fact that we are about to spend nearly $1,000,000,000,000 on a new stimulus package, on top of the $700,000,000,000 spent on the Wall Street bail-out, on top of the other $25,000,000,000 or so that has been spent on individual companies like AIG. A few thousand bucks to keep their top sales people producing should hurt too much, when all you politicians are throwing money around like you lately. If nothing else, they are keeping people in the hospitality industry employed.

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